A global network of public charter schools, digital learning communities, colleges, and non-profit organizations.
Academica is a leader at developing and maximizing human potential.
Academica was founded in 1999 on the principle that each school of choice is a unique educational environment.
Academica works to help its clients achieve their educational and organizational goals. Clients maintaining complete control over their academic programs, staffing needs, management, and curricula.
Our founding mission ensures a student-centric focus and remains the cornerstone of our approach. Academica empowers each client to pursue specialized educational goals. We have a strong commitment to customization, flexibility, collaboration, creative thinking. Ongoing dialogue among educators, students, and parents is the key to the success of Academica-supported educational institutions.
Academica revolutionized the traditional K-12 educational path by turning it into a dynamic K-16 network. Academica provides students from all backgrounds and socioeconomic groups with access to a free, high-quality education from Kindergarten to college. By integrating technology with groundbreaking educational initiatives, Academica can help a school implement a top-notch educational experience for any child.